St. Peter Lutheran Church and School


  • Our October newsletter is available here and under the Publications tab with previous editions.
  • Check out these photos of our July, 2024 Confirmands!
  • Private confession with Pastor Bayer is available by appointment.
Who We Are
We are a confessional Lutheran congregation of Christians. Our existence is born and centered in the preaching of the Word and the administration of the Sacraments, the means through which the Holy Spirit creates and sustains saving faith in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God who became man, was crucified for the sins of the world, and was raised from the dead for our justification. We acknowledge the Holy Scriptures to be the Word of God and the Lutheran Confessions, collected in the Book of Concord and published in 1580, to be a true and binding exposition of the Holy Scriptures. We are a member congregation of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.
What We Do
As those born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead by the washing of regeneration (Holy Baptism), our life together is one of fellowship within the body of Jesus Christ as members of one another. This life together is lived first and foremost in the Divine Service, where the Church gathers around Christ where he promises to be graciously present for us—in his Word and Sacraments—to receive from God’s hand everything needful for us and for our salvation and to give him our thanks and praise.
We receive and use the historic and catholic (universal) liturgy, comprised of a Service of the Word followed by a Service of the Sacrament of the Altar. Our worship is reverent, liturgical, and consistent, conveying the truth of God’s unchanging grace in Christ to the world. In worship we draw near to the very throne of grace, we come to Mt. Zion in the heavenly places, we join with the host of heaven at the throne of God.
In Divine Service, the bread that we receive according to Christ’s institution and command is the very body of Christ. Likewise, the wine that we share is the very blood of Christ. This participation in the body and blood of Christ requires not only a right discernment of the body that is present, distributed, and received, but also a common and shared faith, for Christ is not divided, and there is not to be division in the fellowship of the altar. For what fellowship does light have with darkness? Additionally, there is the danger of eating and drinking to one’s judgment if the sacred body and blood of Christ are received unworthily. For these biblical reasons, we practice closed communion, reserving Holy Communion only for baptized members of the Body of Christ who have been instructed, examined, and absolved, and publicly profess the Evangelical Lutheran faith together with us through membership either at St. Peter Lutheran Church, other churches of the LCMS, or a church in full pulpit and altar fellowship with the LCMS (click this link to see our partner church bodies: LCMS Partner Church Bodies – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod).
Whether you are a born-and-raised Lutheran or have never been to church,
we invite you to come, to hear the Word of God, and, God-willing, to confess
the faith together with us in the fellowship of the Holy Church, awaiting
eagerly the day of our redemption, when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.

St. Peter Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.  Click on the link below to learn more about Lutheran doctrine.

Service Times


Divine Service – 9:30 a.m.
Bible Study – 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School – 11:00 a.m.


Matins – 9:00 a.m. 
Bible Study – 6:00 p.m.


St. Peter Lutheran Church and School

Mission and Communion Policy

Our Church Mission

“Laying the Foundation to Build on the Rock of Christ – To Study the Word, Seek the Lost, and Serve our Neighbors”

Service of the sacrament

Communicants at this altar are to be in full confessional fellowship with The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. If you have never communed at St. Peter, or if it has been a while, please contact the pastor before the service in which you intend to receive Holy Communion. If you are not communing but wish to receive a blessing, please cross your arms over your chest as you kneel at the altar.


Bayer Timothy

Reverend Timothy Bayer